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Tuesday, 21 July 2015

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Pain is never permanent, it eventually subsides.

We live in a world where good as well as bad things happen, which is out of our control. Good things are always acceptable but sometimes the bad things is unacceptable so much that we might consider giving up on life. But the thing is the show must go on. We must accept the things that happened and must move on with life because time only flows in one direction, so we cannot undo the happenings.

Forgetfulness is a gift given to human kind to forget something which is very painful that remains within our memory for our whole life. We cannot forget our pain no matter how hard we try to forget. Actually if we are trying to forget something, we end up remembering it. So nearly all of us lives with the pain and cope with it so that we can move forward.

There is a process described in psychology in which it is explained that how we come to an understanding with pain(Grief) no matter how bad it is , this process is called 'Five stages of Grief'.

Five Stages of Grief 

1. Denial and Isolation. At first, we tend to deny the loss has taken place, and may withdraw from our usual social contacts. This stage may last a few moments, or longer.

2. Anger. The grieving person may then be furious at the person who inflicted the hurt (even if she's dead), or at the world, for letting it happen. He may be angry with himself for letting the event take place, even if, realistically, nothing could have stopped it.

3. Bargaining. Now the grieving person may make bargains with God, asking, "If I do this, will you take away the loss?"

4. Depression. The person feels numb, although anger and sadness may remain underneath.

5. Acceptance. This is when the anger, sadness and mourning have tapered off. The person simply accepts the reality of the life and moves on.

This prayer is what keeps me inspiring and going on in life
"Lord! Give me courage to change what we can, give me strength to accept what we can't and the wisdom to known the difference between them."

Random Master

Author & Editor

Enjoy reading and be open to the things that world has to offer.


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