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Tuesday 14 July 2015

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Death might not be the end.

“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” 
                                                                                                                            -JK RowlinG

Death is defined the termination of all biological functions that sustains life. Even after defining the death of an organism we still can't understand the death concept itself.

We all are destined to die till the moment we are conceived, then how do we live ignoring the ultimate end. Why are we afraid of dying, when we had known we cannot live forever? No one came back from the dead to say the story what is after death. But still most of the religion believes there is afterlife.

No living can experience the afterlife but only the spirit. the spirit is defined as the non physical part of the person that makes us who we are and scientists argue that the memories and experiences stored in the brain in the form of neurological path. Now the second seems more logical then why people around the world conceived something common.

The funeral rituals in all of the religions in the world is for helping the dead to rest in peace. Many do it out of love for the dead one and many out of fear that they will appear in their life as manifestation and haunt them ether way we all believe in spirit,soul or psyche which is a part of the body which is intangible.

There are abundant reference of soul and spirit in virtually in all religious books depicting there is an afterlife. In Greek mythology the soul goes to the underworld  after death, in Christianity the soul has two places to go after death based on there deeds; heaven and hell, like wise in many other religion.

The Egyptians believed in the after life it is depicted in 'the book of the dead' consisting various spells which used during mummification.

The Mayans also believed in afterlife and the world of the dead but with a little variation that the people who are dead had to make the journey towards the paradise through hardships in the place called Xibalba which is a frightening and a very dark place with rivers of blood and pus and with dead trees and governed by terrifying deities.

Mayans believed there is no end to anything, it goes on like a cycle. So what all religions in the world might be trying to say, that death is not the end it's just a beginning of something unknown to the living.

Random Master

Author & Editor

Enjoy reading and be open to the things that world has to offer.


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