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Tuesday 14 July 2015

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What an Idea? Water out of thin Air!

A simple thought can solve many problems. This was proved by the University of Engineering and Technology of Peru and their ad agency Mayo Draft FCB. They created the first advertisement bill board which at a small extent solved the problem of drinking water for many living in the hot area of Peru.

This project was intended to inspire the new coming engineering students and encouraging upcoming students to pursue engineering careers. This was to show how small creative thinking can solve problems. due to extremely dry climate, the people of Lima in Peru receives very low rainfall below 1 inch per year and the sources of running water is also lacking, making them to draw water form polluted wells. But in contrast the atmospheric humidity in Peru is 98%.

This billboard was conceived to do two task one is of traditional billboard advertisement and the other is to condense the humid air and trapping the water making it available to the people.

What an idea? Now that's what I call Green marketing. There is nothing green but it does make peoples life better without harming environment.

Random Master

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