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Thursday, 9 July 2015

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How many jobless are there in Dharavi (Mumbai)?

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"I strongly believe that the west has much to learn from societies and places which, while sometimes poorer in material terms are infinitely richer in the ways in which they live and organise themselves as communities,"

--Prince Charles about Dharavi.

Dharavi worlds' one of the largest slums in the world in the financial capital of Indian, Amchi Mumbai !( 'My Mumbai' in Marathi). The foundation of the dhravi was laid in 1882s with few family, now it has a staggering 1 million population  in just 520 acres of land with poor hygiene, contaminated water and rudimentary sanitation. But as it seems many claim they show a very strong sense of community that's what keeps them there safe from developers trying to move them to demolish the slums. This can be the city of the future with sustainable living.

Mumbai a mega-city contains a patch of slum which is one of the largest in the world. But this place has something that we don't have a high level of employment and low crime rate. Dharavi is looked down for poor hygiene and low standard of living, but from the perspective of the dwellers they are happy with what they have. An efficient use of space is achieved by the Dharavi dwellers with a strong sense of community that is still a wonder for the architects.

In Dharavi nearly every person have a job in a pile rubbish, what is even more amazing than this is all people working in Dharavi have a huge hand in nearly 80%  recycling of Mumbai's plastics waste against any city in developed nations. This recycling has created more than 90% employment in Dharavi and a billion dollar industry which contains mostly one room enterprises which is unregistered and generating revenues from waste.

This slum is diverse in many ways it is diverse in religion,ethnics and many more ways but one things is they are living together in such a crammed space without any collisions after 1993 riots. It seems they found a way to strengthen their sense of community more from the incident and achieved a safe neighbourhood that no city in this world has achieved so far.

I believe there is more to Dharavi than meets the eye. They are mindbogglingly awesome.

Random Master

Author & Editor

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