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Thursday, 9 July 2015

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What and who creates a talented jobless?

One of the biggest problem in this world is unemployment which causes economic under development, lower standard of living and crimes. According to Wikipedia "Unemployment occurs when people are without work and actively seeking work." When it comes to unemployment no theory stands true even a person holding masters degree is jobless and don't have capital to start a business.
Loans are available to those only who have assets to mortgage or have enough money to lobby officials. Even if the loans get sanctioned the business opportunity is long gone. Now we have two classes of unemployed people the uneducated unemployed and the educated unemployed. 
And the main creator of the later type of unemployed is the society and some wrong decisions that haunts them their whole life.
In this new dynamic world the unemployment now has a new perspective as when a person does a job that he don't like, makes him a TalentedJobless, because the job he is doing is not using what he does best but using what he can do without his talent. Now the definition "Talented unemployment occurs when people with work and actively looking for the work they like."In this case the job is unemploying the talent he have within him.Why people don't understand giving them a job people like will create an extraordinary commitment to their job and less likely to slack off.
I am myself a talented jobless myself and this Blog shows how society views for what we are not and ignores for what we really are. Welcome to this Blog whose sole purpose is to encourage the talented jobless person to continue the pursuit for the job they like and do better in life.


Random Master

Author & Editor

Enjoy reading and be open to the things that world has to offer.


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