Beauty is subjective so is fear and pain. For those who fear snake this snake may qualify as a beautiful snake.
This is a long nosed vine snake found in south-east Asia (Ahaetulla nasuta).
This snake hunts during the day and is mildly venomous not enough to be fatal to human. The venom is cause swelling which usually goes after few days. This snake preys on frogs and lizards and hunts using binocular vision to hunt.
They are slow moving and disguises themselves as the vine of the tree camouflaging them from predators as well as from their preys.
Their eyes as you can see in the picture are yellow with horizontal black pupil.When they feel threatened they expands and shows black and white scales marking.

This snake is indeed beautiful for those who don't show Ophidiophia, which is an abnormal fear of snake.
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