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Sunday 12 July 2015

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Why So Serious?

When you think about a joker, the first thing that comes in your mind is 'The Joker' from the legendary superhero comic Batman.

Every superhero has a super villain. Since batman was a human with no special power but with abnormal bravery and commitment to his fictional city Gotham, writer wanted a physicaly normal super villain. Yup! that's right 'Joker.' First appeared in Batman Comic in April 1940, credits for jokers creation is disputed: Bob Kane and Jerry Robinson claimed responsibility for the design while acknowledging Bill Finger's writing contribution.

At first joker
was planned to be killed of but due to editorial intervention he was spared and became the arch-enemy of the superhero Batman. The character of the Joker has very sadistic sense of humour and portrayed as a psychopath. As for his appearance he looks like a typical clown with green coloured hair clothes of a clown and make up as if he is a clown.

The joker is said to the most famous villain ever created in comics and became famous with Batman and he is one of the few anti-hero character who has a fandom. in an interview Jerry Robinson said the design for a joker came from a playing card.

In all filmography of the Batman comics there were many who acted as Joker and all say it was very hard role to fit in because of his character portrayal in comics as a sadistic psychopath. The best as per my opinion was played by late Heath Ledger, which got him tremendous attention from all over the world.

Lets see if there is an appearance in the upcoming film Batman V/s Superman.

Random Master

Author & Editor

Enjoy reading and be open to the things that world has to offer.


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