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Sunday 12 July 2015

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Cosmic Energy Transfer Philosophy

A pregnant cat caught stealing food from my kitchen in the afternoon, a few days back.
Let me share with you a weird thought I had while I was about to shoo away this cat who was stealing food from my kitchen:
It is said in Indian culture that one who consumed their own food without sharing is consuming his own sin only. Or in other words, one who eats alone chokes alone.

In most cases, we seldom get the option to share our food. But, in fact on a cosmic scale, the universe actually restores this balance by sending animals and scavengers to get their “share”.

You see, if the law of conservation of energy is true then the ultimate source of energy we see everywhere came from the big bang. The ecosystem in turn modeled itself to take in the energy from the sun which in turn formed the ecosystem.

This system is itself based on an energy sharing basis: Nothing belongs to anyone. Energy is shared.

The cat steals not in an intention to cause harm to anyone, but it’s driven to take its share (through hunger) since it is just a part of this elaborate "networking system". It is the law of the universe to keep the energy flowing (be it animals, humans, natural phenomena, sun or stars) where ever possible. To enforce this law, nature programmed need-hierarchy principle into every organism’s brain.
Common people usually frown upon such nasty behavior from everyone because it is considered as stealing their property. The very terms “property”, “thievery” etc evolved since the humans' assumption of "property" because this system is established on a civilization based upon worldliness. The need hierarchy theory even grew larger with them.

Conversely, even a mentally sound person may be forced to steal things because he himself has imperative priorities to complete failing upon which it may threaten his very existence and/or his chain of relationships. This behavior is actually an outcome of that natural program.

According to a common superstition, the household would face severe poverty if the cat feels discouraged and independently choose to abandon the search owing to absence of any food material in the kitchen despite lengthy scavenging. However this appears to be a mere correlation than causation!


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