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Monday, 3 August 2015

Filled Under:

The One Percent of Superiority.

  1. Chips, humans, Genes, DNA, Intelligence

  2. Apes and Humans, for example, share over 99% of their genes. That means the difference between our species is less than 1% of our genes. In fact, all life on Earth shares about 50% of it's genes. So this in this 1 % we call ourself because we can do complex calculations, build amazing things ask questions about universe etc.
  3. The most smart chimp can do hand signs and understand a fraction of human language, so does human babies too within one year of development. So when we call ourself superior to them we have to remember that if 1% of difference can make us far far superior than other ape species then it is very logical to consider an existence of a race, let's say with 1 % difference than us in the direction in which we are different to chimpanzees would be much more superior to us. The babies of those species might be able to do the same things that Stephen Hawkings do with his mind.
  4. Here we are searching for the existence of the extraterrestrial and wondering why they haven't contacted us. Let me ask you a question, when did you last stopped for a chat with worms, birds, dogs ? The least your are not expecting an answer from them. In this scenario how can we call ourself superior to other races or how can we be certain that their is a very slim chance of existence of extraterrestrial life form superior to us enough not to bother with us.
  5. The Thing is we are just One percent Superior than our ape relatives or one percent insolent to call ourself superior to other species.

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